My Journey To Mars

Adrija Mitra

I was one of the first settlers of Mars. I have lived here for a year now. One of my biggest problems, initially, was the lack of water. I had to store lot of water whenever it rained. But then it rains rarely on Mars!!! My problem got solved over time as I continued to store water whenever it rained. One of my other problems was lack of oxygen but I solved it as I had brought an oxygen mask with me. My last problem was that of gravity, but I soon figured out I could move faster without gravity.

The best thing that has happened to me on Mars was when I had solved or had tried to live with my problems. My worst time was when I was resolving my problems. This is what my dream journey to the planet Mars has been like.

 Illustration by Adrija Mitra


  1. Amrita Das September 24, 2017
  2. Sushanta Dutta October 15, 2017

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